Items blocked for a specific time
In Supercycle, you can create rentals for items that are blocked for a specific time. Rentals are used to manage the availability of items and to track the items that are currently rented out.
Rentals are accessed from Reservations.
A rental page in Supercycle, with markers referenced below.
The product (variant) the rental is for.
The specific Item assigned to the rental.
The Serial of the Item assigned to the rental.
The Shopify Order associated to the rental.
The return associated to the rental.
Rental period
The period of time the customer is paying for.
Reservation period
The rental period + buffers either side.
Fulfillment date
When the item is expected to be fulfilled, or when it was fulfilled.
Return date
When the item is expected to be returned, or when it was returned.
Freeform tags added to the rental.
Rental actions
Create rentals
Change product/variant
You can change the item associated with a rental to any item from any product.
Changing the product on a rental does not change the product on the Shopify order. If this is important, you should refund the line item in Shopify in order to delete the existing rental and then create a new rental for the new product.